Monday, September 16, 2024


I sat at the table to wait for a couple basketballers to leave. I studied the thing. Something suspicious caught my attention. Is that it? I think so!

It didn’t take as long as I expected for the ballers to tire out. They and a practicing tennis player opposite the thing actually left all at the same time. They weren’t together as far as I could tell. What just happened? Is there a schedule?

I approached the thing. I grabbed part of the thing. I put one foot on the thing. Vertigo set in immediately. Nope.

I retreated to the myrthmobile for a TOTT and was then successful in making the grab. Now, can I get it back in place without it taking a plunge..? Yep!

Such fun! +💚

Thank you, Jojohnite. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


How YOU Do It?

joey friends pronounce tv television

Monday, September 9, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

10 Years (and Counting)

September 5, 2014 was a memorable day in my caching careeer. That was the day I found my first one. Quite by accident, I stumbled on what I would later learn was a UPS. I thought the nearby college students were stashing drugs. So of course, I open it and discover a log sheet instead. I was immediately hooked and have been caching ever since.

September 5, 2024 marks 10 years of fun, finds, friends, and FTFs! Come celebrate with me! BYO$ for food and beverages. If weather permits, we'll be outside. Bring stories, especially of your first find or how you got into geocaching, and TBs to trade and/or discover.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024