Wednesday, July 31, 2019

FTF Spiders, Skeeters, Swamps, and Thorns

So I started this one today after work. I walked the whole trail and collected the numbers, feeding the mosquitoes along the way. I also discovered a hidden repository of colorful and/or four-letter words that erupted from my mouth as I stumbled into a few spiderwebs. Scratch that. SpiderWEBS!! Holy moly! What are they trying to catch out here, a sasquatch?! The first one turned me into an instant ninja; the second one prompted me to lead with my hiking stick the rest of the walk. I swung that thing in front of me like a sword just about the whole way thru and back to my car! Kinda glad I was the only one around to witness that behavior but wow! And the little devils themselves: EVERYWHERE and HUGE! I think they were the harmless spiders that we love in our gardens for natural pest control, but I’m no expert and didn’t really want even harmless ones dropping on me. Ugh!! Still got the heebie-jeebies now just thinking about it!

When I got back to my car, I crunched some numbers and then was disappointed with a red light on the checker. While I was going over my work, a park ranger came up and told me he was about to lock up. I had to cut the fun short but I’ll be back. Definitely with some bug repellent; maybe with a flamethrower!


New Toy

rot13 geepus doolittle cipher puzzle

Friday, July 19, 2019