Thursday, July 18, 2024

Flying Solo

As it does every morning, my bladder woke me well before my alarm was set to go off. As I do every morning, I checked my phone. As I do every time I see a New Cache email, I considered whether or not to make the run for FTF. When my eyes lit on the new cache’s owner’s name, my routine suddenly changed. What a surprise! My lovely wife published a cache? My lovely wife published a cache! I took care of business, grabbed my sneakers and darted out the door.

And... ZINGO!! {FTF} at 6:06 AM. Whoop! And the container and log sheet match the cache title? There’s a theme! Even though this cache might not make Youtube, here’s a πŸ’š. Well done indeed! Also, you never know...

Thank you and love you, HeyThereDlilah. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


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