Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Black Hole Adventure

This is my first Whereigo (hybrid or otherwise). I had fun!

I learned about gravity and event horizons. I learned about spaghettification, and, while I may have shed a few pounds on my trek, I'm not nearly as thin as I was led to believe I would be after going through a black hole.

That's another thing: Hollywood definitely has it wrong! Traversing a black hole is not all flashing lights, tunnels, and Dramamine. It's very green, very blue, and MUCH s l o w e r than they make it seem. In fact, Han Solo, expert Kessell Runner that he is, is even a little off: navigating hyperspace is A LOT like dusting crops!! So much pretty green... 🌲🌳🌿🍃

As I approached the wormhole, I misinterpreted my navicomputer's output and blasted right through an uncharted asteroid field, not realizing there was a much shorter, much easier route. If only I had taken that right turn at Albuquerque! Oh well. I am glad I didn't see any space worms.

I found the cache as described and then opted to return to my space pod by the aforementioned shorter, easier route. I just had to get to it. It was then that I experienced gravity and event horizons and all that other stuff: down I went, sliding and grimacing until I reached the bottom. After a quick self-diagnostic and inventory check, I smiled broadly, shook the stardust off, and climbed back up the other side. I was quite relieved to find the shorter, easier route back to my spa-- Wait a parsec! I've been here before!! Is it déjà vu or did I land on an alternate Earth? Is Mayor Turner an orangutan now?! I guess only time (and space... it's a continuum!) will tell.

Thank you so much for the adventure, the exercise, and the cache. +1 fp. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21

P.S. I was just a little under-prepared for this journey. I was dressed in my business casual work clothes; my slip on shoes were almost treadless; and I had no bug repellent or water. Also, it's a very good thing I didn't need to thumb a ride: I didn't bring a towel!


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