Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Heim (SOS #8)

I was already “cruising” down memory lane tonight by listening to Sirius XM’s Top 99 countdown on the 90s on 9 station. When I saw this cache, it seemed appropriate to add it to my finds tonight.

Many of the songs I’ve heard tonight also blared out of the speakers of my 1991 Chevy half-ton pickup when I was in high school. It was a hand-me-down from my dad when I got my license. It had a step-side bed with custom cover, a sweet paint job, and shadowy rims that demanded attention. I occasionally cruised up and down Wells Branch Parkway in north Austin, but I was more often racing or off-roading nearby. My dad and I both regret the day during finals when I fell asleep at the wheel after school. I came away shaken but unscathed. The truck was totaled. I think we both cried.

I included a picture I found with a Google search tonight but it doesn’t do justice to the real deal. In fact, the shape is about all that’s right. By the way, SXM’s top song of the 90s tonight was Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise.” Pflugerville that wasn’t but the song is still fun to drive to.

Thank you, Lightstormz. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


Monday, December 30, 2024

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

CaptnMal's Country Retreat

When we venture out of town for more than a day, CaptnMal likes to stay nearby. He has two special hooman friends that love him to pieces kibbles and a whole pack of doggo friends. Come check out CaptnMal's Country Retreat.

Container has a log only so BYOP.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

🗿Gutters, Gutters, Gutters🗿

Our church has been meeting in another church’s building on Sunday afternoons since launching in April. Starting tomorrow, however, we have our own space and will have our first Sunday morning gathering. Today was moving day. With an early start and much sweat equity, all I wanted after a scrumptious lunch was a nap. BUT gotta keep the streak alive...so here I am.

A nearby house has Christmas decorations that caught my eye, even in the bright sunshine.

Great cache! *💚

Thank you, hhhhiiiiih. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9
Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


Monday, December 16, 2024

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Gateway Begins

While doing the virtual. Can’t pass up two finds at the same location!

Apparently, I wasn’t holding my mouth right because, just like sydtam, I looked in the exact spot at least twice (and all around for 15 minutes) before I texted him for help. He told me how to scrunch up my eyes and tilt my head just so while standing on one foot. And like magic, there it was. Must be something in the air… 😏

Thank you, CKrewer720. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


The Houston Gateway: Arch Bridges

I worked an early morning shift downtown and came to the area afterwards for an oil change and state inspection on HeyThereDlilah’s car. I actually lived about a mile from here before she and I tied the knot two years ago. Lots of fond memories in this neighborhood!

After doing the necessaries at GZ, I stopped by to visit with a former pastor for a few minutes; his family lives literally a stone’s throw (even with my weak arm!) from GZ. We had a nice chat and I saw how they’d remodeled their kitchen. I also got to see the doggo I walked for them a few times. Good times!

I miss seeing these bridges as often as I used to. And it’s a shame the city doesn’t light them up at night anymore (or have they started back up again?). They were so much fun to walk and drive on. In fact, after seeing the Thor movies together, my boys and I started calling them the Bifrost!

Feel free to discover the hoodie I’m wearing in the picture: N2WQ6X.

Thank you for bringing me back, CKrewer720! Here’s a 💚. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Soldiers of the Summit

I had lunch with the CO today in Houston. She told me about her new virtual in Breck and I wondered if I’d been there before. Turns out I have!

Does this photo from 2020 count? Can I claim FTF from 900 miles away? 🧐😏😉 just kidding!


luckyfeather colorado breckenridge virtual write note downhill skier statue

Monday, December 9, 2024

Oh, Frosty the Snowman ♫☃️#4

Rent-a-LEO was parked right at GZ. I waited casually on the street side until he or she moved enough for me to start my search while blocked by the structure. I ended up putting my hand right on the container my first try. Unfortunately, I bumped it off and it rolled into the parking lot…BEHIND RaLEO 😫

Thinking hopping the little fence would draw undue attention, I walked around to retrieve it. I walked halfway back, applied ink, and then put it back. I wasn’t approached personally, but don’t know if I was observed or not.

I really dig the lighted helix-style trees every 50 feet or so on Post Oak Blvd. SO SHINY! 🤩 I wonder if HeyThereDlilah would let me get one for our living room. Hmm…

Thank you, Ca$hQueen. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)
#3647 found on 12/9/24 at 18:39



impressive race footrace 5k runner runners

Monday, December 2, 2024