Saturday, September 21, 2024

100 Souvenir Challenge

When it’s slow at work, I’ll peruse the map and either solve puzzles or find challenge caches I qualify for. I found this note on this cache: “124 as of 3/23/2021.” Wow! More than three years later, I’m staying at a nearby BnB for a fun weekend with my family and now have 210 souvenirs. It’s been, and will continue to be, a fun journey. Qualifying pic attached.

The cache hunt today was itself bit of a challenge. A few muggles milled about, and it’s hard for a 6’4 300# man in a bright yellow shirt to be stealthy. So I just didn’t try, opting instead to not draw more attention to myself. A nest of nasty guardians in the same tree as the cache (see pic) threatened to make a spectacle of me. I returned to the myrthmobile for my reacher tool and grabbed the container from a distance and the opposite side of the tree. Success! No undo attention drawn and no new “souvenirs” from the nasties. Phew!

Thank you, Cybercat. God bless! Ephesians 2:8-9

Wandering but not lost,
myrthman (NtN065)


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