Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Monday, December 19, 2022
Monday, December 12, 2022
Monday, December 5, 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
02 Where the Sidewalk Ends
All that said, I really enjoyed these caches. While walking around, I found several other places that would qualify for this series if there was room on the geo-map. Also, the weather and neighbors were great—in their own way, both were quite refreshing! I even saw some fun Christmas lights displays, including one with a HUGE inflatable snowman peeking over a privacy fence to curiously look at passersby; that one made me smile.
Here’s a 💚 for reminding me of what I first loved about geocaching in Houston.
Thank you, .jpeg. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
Monkeying Around
This is our first find in Honduras!! WOOHOO!!!
We drove to the top of Dixon Hill for the view and through Coxen Hole for some local food on our way here. HTD made the find.
Thank you, BBD1. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Monday, October 31, 2022
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Discovered while geocaching - Locationless Cache
I recently mentioned this locationless cache to HTD and asked what she would like to revisit. We talked. I mentioned Texas cemeteries as an idea I’d had. She mentioned a tunnel crawl we did. At dinner tonight, she reminded me and suggested this would make a great cache to revisit. And so my mind was made up.
The food is phenomenal. The staff are friendly and attentive. The atmosphere is perfectly romantic. We had a great evening! Many thanks to Ca$hQueen for bringing me to this place, yet another I’d never have known about without geocaching.
Thank you, Geocaching HQ. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Monday, October 24, 2022
Monday, October 17, 2022
TX Sports are TUBE-ular #1
Tomorrow, I’m going to a friend’s son’s football game. Over the weekend, I ordered a needed work shirt in the team’s color: two stones with one bird. Or something. I left work downtown around 6:00 to drive 15 minutes to pick it up. While I was signing for my order, this cache popped into my inbox. Fun! But on my way out of the store, I spotted a shirt that was a much closer match to the team’s color. Same brand, same price… should be a quick exchange, right? Nope. Their system was snoozing and it took several minutes for it to process the information. I thanked the clerk for the second time and checked to see if the new cache had been found. Nope! FTF still available!! Off I went...essentially back downtown.
As I approached GZ, my focus on my phone’s compass, I became aware of footsteps approaching from right in front of me. Not wanting to be the guy who runs into someone because he’s staring at his phone, I looked up, prepared to step to the side. I glimpsed high heels and a business skirt and suit. “How odd that someone else is in work clothes at this park,” I thought. Then my eyes met hers. Recognition mixed with delight but was quickly replaced by disappointment. The FTF was gone, for smiling at me was Ca$hQueen, walking back to her car. “Bummer! But it’ll make a fun story.” Indeed. We exchanged pleasantries before moving on, she to her geomobile, I to the cache where I quickly signed and replaced it. If only I had ordered the right shade of purple!! Oh well.
Thank you, FeralDragon2000. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
TX Sports are TUBE-ular #8
Tomorrow, I’m going to a friend’s son’s football game. Over the weekend, I ordered a needed work shirt in the team’s color: two stones with one bird. Or something. I left work downtown around 6:00 to drive 15 minutes to pick it up. While I was signing for my order, this cache popped into my inbox. Fun! But on my way out of the store, I spotted a shirt that was a much closer match to the team’s color. Same brand, same price… should be a quick exchange, right? Nope. Their system was snoozing and it took several minutes for it to process the information. I thanked the clerk for the second time and checked to see if the new cache had been found. Nope! FTF still available!! Off I went… essentially back downtown.
As I approached GZ, my focus on my phone’s compass, I became aware of footsteps approaching from right in front of me. Not wanting to be the guy who runs into someone because he’s staring at his phone, I looked up, prepared to step to the side. I glimpsed high heels and a business skirt and suit. “How odd that someone else is in work clothes at this park,” I thought. Then my eyes met hers. Recognition mixed with delight but was quickly replaced by disappointment. The FTF was gone, for smiling at me was Ca$hQueen, walking back to her car. “Bummer! But it’ll make a fun story.” Indeed. We exchanged pleasantries before moving on, she to her geomobile, I to the cache where I quickly signed and replaced it. If only I had ordered the right shade of purple!! Oh well.
Thank you, FeralDragon2000. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065 #2864
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Saturday, October 8, 2022
GeoCoinFest 2022
Thanks for hosting, TheCrazyTexans. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Acropolis Museum Reloaded
That shirt did its job today! While I was touring the museum, a guard stopped me and asked if the letters represented a fraternity. I told him no, they were the first few letters of my favorite hobby. “Geometry?” “No, geocaching.” We talked about it for a few minutes. He seemed intrigued! See picture.
I stepped out to grab the closest cache before my team regrouped and moved on. Lots of muggles at GZ even though it’s somewhat secluded.
Thank you, George & Christina. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Geocaching-Από το 2000 συνεχώς!/Since 2000 and on!
Because of the distance from where we’re staying to GZ, I had planned to ride the Metro for as much of the journey as I could. My original idea was to come yesterday morning, but all the drivers were on strike! Oh well. Today it is.
Once at GZ, the find was quick and easy. I dropped a bunch of TBs given by friends. I also traded for a little toy alligator.
Thank you, wind&water. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
This is my first find in 🇬🇷! So excited!!
Thank you, notiosanemos. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Sunday, September 18, 2022
✈️ Willkommen am Flughafen Frankfurt - FRA ✈️
This is my first find outside the U.S. Woohoo!!
Thank you, sven2706. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Clifford’s Favorite Utensil
Don't trust the map view (yet). The nearby establishment recently demolished their old building and built a new one, with the BRS, in a slightly different spot.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
NRG Park
We were released early today so we could relax a bit before the big day. When I realized how close I was to NRG Park, I knew I had to get this multi. I’ve had my eye on it for a while, but my schedule never allowed me to get to Stage One during business hours. Not today though!!
I had to ask a security guard for directions to parking for the store because the usual entrance is locked up tight. I think, perhaps, it’s because it’s football season. Maybe? I don’t really know. Anywho, once at GZ, I found the needed letters and solved the puzzle. A short drive later and I was at the real GZ. Quick and easy once here.
I feel much more at ease having enjoyed the bestest hobby in the world, even if only briefly. Now, time for a haircut and a good night’s rest.
Thank you, HoustonControl. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Saturday, September 3, 2022
🎃All Hallows' Eve #10🎃
Given the last log and the amount of time since the last find, I was skeptical of it being here. However, once at GZ, I spotted it right away. But how the heck does one reach it? Even at 6’5” it was beyond my reach. I’m not a skilled (or graceful) climber, so I returned to the myrthmobile to get my reacher-grabber. It was stuck in its folded position 😕, so out came my trusty companion, trackable A2ZB79. A few minutes later, I had what I needed.
Back at GZ, I could touch the cache with the grabber but not get a grip on it 😠. Even at 6’5” with a mechanical hand, it was just out of reach. I tried knocking it down. No luck. It’s wedged in there really well 😤. I grabbed a nearby natural TOTT. On poking the cache, the stick broke 😫. Tried again, and finally! Success!! 😁
Then, I couldn’t open it because of rust 🤦🙇♂️. Out came trusty ol’ A2ZB79 again. Another few minutes and, eureka 😁!! A satisfied sigh and a signed log! I had a much easier time getting it back in its hidey spot 😎.
What an adventure for an urban cache! Including the myrthmobile, I used four ‼ TOTTs. That may be a record for me. I’ll add a 💚 as soon as I earn another one. Now, for some AC and a doughnut… 🥵🍩
Thank you, 💵👸🏽. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
ABCs of Geohing
LR: "dditionl Logging Requirement." Logging requirements eyond finding the geohe nd signing the log. ll LRs must e optionl for finders of geohe.
mmo n: mmunition oxes or mmo ns re ontiners originlly designed for sfe trnsport nd storge of mmunition. mmo ns re populr ontiners for regulr or lrge geohes.
PE he or Projet .P.E. he: In 2001, fourteen geohes were pled in onjuntion with 20th entury Fox to support the movie Plnet of the pes. Eh geohe represented fitionl story in whih sientists reveled n lterntive Primte Evolution. These geohes were mde using speilly mrked mmo ns nd ontined n originl prop from the movie. Only one Projet .P.E. he still exists tody.
rhive: rhiving permnently removes geohe listing from serh results. geohe owner n rhive their own listing. geohe owner nnot unrhive it. s n lterntive to rhiving, the geohe n e temporrily disled if mintenne is going to e performed or the ontiner will e repled in the ner future.
ttriutes: Ions fetured on detils pge for geohes tht desrie speifi hrteristis of geohe. There re severl lsses of ttriutes, suh s whether or not you need speil equipment, possile hzrds long the wy, or unique onditions one should e wre of. ttriutes n show whether or not he is wheelhir essile, dog friendly, requires flshlight, nd more. ttriutes re lso tool to help you filter the types of geohes you would like to serh for when uilding Poket Query. More out ttriutes here.
si Memer: The introdutory memership type for Geohing.om. There re two types of memership, si nd Premium. Geohing Premium Memership offers dditionl fetures tht si memership does not provide.
enhmrk: Using your GPS unit nd/or written diretions provided y NO's Ntionl Geodeti Survey (NGS), you n seek out NGS survey mrkers nd other items tht hve een mrked in the United Sttes. hek out our pge out enhmrk Hunting for more detils.
ison: lso known s "ison tue.” smll, metl, wter-tight ylindril ontiner tht n e used for miro hes. Its nme omes from the originl mnufturer, ut there re now severl other rnds on the mrket.
ookmrk List: Geohing Premium Memership feture tht n e used to group geohe listings in whtever wy you like. You my wnt ookmrk List of hes you intend to find this weekend or perhps n "ll-time fvorite" list to shre with friends.
ug: lso known s Trvel ug®. trkle tg with unique ode tht n e tthed to n item. The trkle is then rried from he to he (or person to person) in the rel world, nd its progress n e followed on Geohing.om. More out Trvel ugs nd trkles.
YOP: "ring Your Own Pen/Penil." n ronym often used y geohe owners to ommunite to other geohers tht you will need to ring your writing utensil in order to sign the he logook.
he: shortened version of the word geohe.
her: lso known s Geoher. One who prtiiptes in geohing.
hes long Route: Geohing Premium Memership feture tht llows you to identify geohes long speifi route for onvenient geohing.
hllenge he: type of geohe tht requires seekers to find n ssoited physil he, nd to find n dditionl set of geohes s defined y the hllenge owner. hllenge hes enourge geohers to set nd hieve fun gols.
hrter Memer: Geohers who ought Geohing Premium Memership the first yer it ws offered nd every yer sine. Plese thnk ny hrter Memers you meet on the tril sine the site would not e here tody without them.
ITO: "he In Trsh Out" is n ongoing environmentl inititive supported y the worldwide geohing ommunity. Sine 2002, geohers hve een dedited to lening up prks nd other he-friendly ples round the world. Lern more t www.geohing.om/ito.
olletile: sttus ssigned to ny trkle item tht people n keep it in their possession, nd do not hve to physilly move it to nother geohe. onversely, non-olletile trkle items n e esily gred, dropped, disovered, et. More out trkles here.
olletion: grouping or list of olletile trkle items tht n e seen only y the owner. Trkles in olletion n only e disovered, nd nnot e gred, dropped or dipped. onversely, items in n Inventory n e seen y other geohers nd n e gred, dropped, disovered, et. More out trkles here.
oordintes: pir of numers (ltitude nd longitude) tht pinpoint n ext position, or wypoint, on the Erth. Ltitudes re horizontl lines on the gloe tht run prllel to the Equtor (similr to rungs on ldder). Ltitudes never interset, nd one degree of ltitude equls pproximtely 69 miles (111 kilometers). Longitudes (lso lled meridins) re vertil lines on the gloe tht onverge t the North nd South Poles. They re widest prt from eh other t the Equtor. The Prime Meridin runs through Greenwih, Englnd ner zero degrees longitude.
reed, The: lso known s the "Geohers' reed.” Designed to help orient new plyers to the ethos of the geohing ommunity nd to guide experiened plyers in questionle situtions, so tht everyone n enjoy geohing.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Where: Potbelly Sandwiches, 3800 Southwest Fwy, Houston, TX 77027
When: 5th Tuesday of August (8/30/2022) from 18:00-19:43.
What: Geocachers talking geothings
Why: Why not?
Who: All geocachers, snuggle muggles, and even the geo-curious are welcome.
Look for a group with trackables, GPS units, and other nerdy paraphernalia. BYO$.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Teqball at Milby Park
What are the rules of Teqball?
- Like in soccer, you cannot touch the ball with your hands or arms.
- You can only touch the ball three times before returning it to the opponent's side of the table.
- No touching the opponent or equipment.
- You can't touch the ball twice with the same body part.
- Within the same play, you can't return the ball with the same body part more than twice in succession.
Beware of muggles and flying saucers!
I retrieved my long, golfer-style umbrella from the myrthmobile. That wouldn’t go deep enough either, but I did manage to push it farther. I changed sides, unscrewed the handle from the umbrella, and, like striking the cue ball in billiards, I launched it back out on the first side. I couldn’t find it right away in the tall grass, but I knew it couldn’t have gone too far. After a moment of digging, I found it tucked in near the roots kinda like a dart. Who knew I’d be playing bar games this early in the morning? Fun times! Signed and replaced.
Thank you, PARKERPLUS. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Giants Amoung Us in TX #1
Thank you, FeralDragon2000. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Saturday, August 6, 2022
L. Minnelli
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Saturday, July 16, 2022
The Venue
There's a playground, trails, other typical things found in a park, and a pavilion. And oh what a pavilion! Tables, a HUGE grill, sink, electricity... The list goes on. Come check it out and find this cache while you're here. Who knows? Maybe there'll be an event here some day...
The park is open from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Saturday, July 9, 2022
🎃All Hallows' Eve #6🎃
I checked the big tree pretty thoroughly and came up empty. I checked the photo gallery and then found a hole and a ground up stump where a featured smaller tree used to be. I suspect this one got up and walked away. So long as the dead bird doesn’t do the same, I’ll move on and try again another time.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Saturday, June 18, 2022
In January or February of this year (maybe earlier?), my then-girlfriend, HeyThereDlilah, started making plans to have us visit her family’s ranch in Big Sky Country. I was excited and intrigued.
The first thing I did was to see how far away we’d be from Montana’s oldest active geocache. Less than a two-hour drive?! Must. Make. It. Happen. The second thing I did was start planning my proposal. As a special place for her, the ranch would have been the perfect setting.
Well, I "went off script," and we got engaged in April. But our plans to come to Montana remained unchanged.
We left the ranch at 10:00 AM. We had fun on the drive with a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book about Yetis. Though in Sasquatch country, not the Himalayas, the book set the tone for our cache hunting. Not necessarily because of the mythical ape beasts (despite my size and hairiness). Much like CYOA characters, we found several dead ends and impassable obstacles: barbed-wire fences, deep, stagnant water, and more than a few deeply rutted dirt roads. Us city folk aren’t used to navigating without cell service! Ultimately, we made the find, signed the log, and rifled through the contents. We grabbed two trackables to move along, perhaps home to Texas.
Great fun! Great adventure! Another oldest cache checked off my bucket list! +1 💚
Thank you, river runner. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Approach cautiously! Use your eyes before your hands!
When I placed the cache, there was a small (new?) nest of yellow jacket wasps behind one post. I hid the container at a different one.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Monday, May 23, 2022
Bayou Place Offices
I think this may be my first FTF by public transit. I hopped a bus outside my office building and was dropped within 150 feet of GZ in under 10 minutes. How’s that for efficient?
Great first cache! The included TOTT was appreciated. +💚
Thank you, Gnaw0nThat. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Friday, May 20, 2022
HTD has let her premium membership expire (🙄😏🤪), so she wasn’t able to see any cache details on her phone. At her suggestion, we took a good look at the map and compass on my phone before heading off in what she called a “blind run race.” She’s so competitive! She actually almost touched it by accident, but I spotted it from the other side and made the grab first. I win! I guess I’m competitive too 😁. Should be a fun marriage.
Lots of fun for a much needed break from the road. +1 💚 for the story and the great hide!
Thank you, SockMonkey69. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Houston's Museums Series: Czech Center Museum
I read some old logs and checked photos before heading out so I’d have an idea what I was looking for. Two recent DNFs were slightly concerning, “but maybe I’ll have better luck.”
“Luck” is the right word. I poked around in the previously mentioned rubbish for a few minutes and then decided to PAF a previous finder. Right after I dialed her number, I very luckily reached down and picked it up!! I hung up without talking to her, sent a quick text to let her know it wasn’t an emergency, and then set about signing the logsheet.
Clever hide! I look forward to coming by sometime when the museum is open. I guess you could say that I’ll Czech it out! 😉
Thank you, scitodd81. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Monday, April 18, 2022
🖖 Cache Long & Prosper: A Tribute (Cemetery)
Cache, the tribute placement,
These are the adventures of the cacher Eric1701,
His premium mission:
To explore strange graveyards,
To seek out new hides
And new gadget-style caches,
To boldy cache where no one has cached before...
This is a tribute cache placed in honor of Eric1701. Please allow him to claim FTF.
I first met Eric at a Mystery at the Museum event in the summer of 2019. After the event, he joined Robin_1 and me on a run at the Baytown Geotour. Since then, we’ve become fast friends, geocaching together often and having lunch as part of Club UFO once a week. When the three of us are caching as a team, we log as REM1701.
Eric’s first find was “Great Aunt Alice” (GC8471H) on 6/11/2019. His first FTF was at “FTF Spiders, Skeeters, Swamps, and Thorns” (GC8B97M), where the spiders have names and the vegetation includes “demon-thorns straight from the pits of cacher hell.” Eric loves cemeteries; his first hide is no exception: “Nurse Foster (Cemetery)” (GC8AXP9). He’s also adopted several of bubberdad’s hides.
Anyone who meets Eric is quickly aware of two things: (1) he doesn’t hold back when sharing his opinions, and (2) he loves Star Trek (just see one of several pathtags he’s created).

He’s an outstanding friend and a great geocacher!
SPECIAL NOTE: When closing the container, please don’t overtighten it. The next finder may not be able to open it. Just make sure the bottom doesn’t drop out before you leave. One or two “clicks” should be sufficient.
ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE: Special thanks to myzjyph for printing this unique container. Please don’t post spoiler photos of the container.
AN ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE: The cemetery gates close daily at 7:00 PM. A sign warns that anyone inside the gate after 7:00 PM is trespassing.
GC9R3YNMonday, April 11, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Freaky Fast & Free Smells
April 2, 2022
12:30 - 1:00 PM
Jimmy John's
102-B Kempner St
Optionally, please feel free to join us afterward at the nearby Harbor Cam Cache, one of two remaining webcam caches in Galveston.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Saturday, March 19, 2022
20th Annual Texas Challenge & Geocaching Festival
Good job, SETX Rep and team!!
Thanks for hosting, Texas Geocaching Association. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Good Camo, Bad Placement
HeyThereDlilah and I discussed over lunch what to do to enjoy today’s glorious weather. We talked about a hike or taking the dogs to a dog park. Ultimately, we decided to go for this cache. Which is, you know, underground where the sun doesn’t shine.
CaptnMal joined us for the trek. He was a trooper. We almost gave up but then I got a blip of cell service and saw that we were less than 150 feet from our goal. We decided we could count our steps to estimate how far we’d gone. And then, eureka: a place to put some ink!! Signed mmHTDCM.
This is such a great adventure! Here’s another fave point.
Thank you, Jojohnite. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Friday, March 4, 2022
Armand of Illo
Would you like to meet someone from Illo? Well, now you’ll have the chance!
To celebrate the return of rodeo to Houston, Armand, King of Illo, is “holding court.” While he will not be performing any official royal duties, he will be available to meet fellow travelers, share stories, pose for pictures, and inspire countless dinnertime conversations.
Do not attempt to climb on or even touch King Armand. He’s somewhat skittish of us “small ones” and may jump straight back home to Illo.
Please sign the guestbook so that the chronicle of King Armand’s travels can include the names of everyone he met. Perhaps, one day it will be added to the Royal Library of Illo!
Liberty Meet & Greet #1
I met the owner of the t-shirt (Zippertiff) and settled in for good food, good fun, and good friends (whether I recognized their faces or not). That’s one of my favorite things about this hobby of ours: you always have something wonderful in common with the people you meet.
What a great turnout and a great first event! I look forward to many more. Now, I’m headed home to study up on the ABCs of fruits and veggies so I can totally own that game next time 😎
Thanks for hosting, BuffaloGalTX. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Pirates Cache
We targeted the closest cache and found it pretty much right away. I was relieved because I’m not unfamiliar with this CO’s penchant for evil hides. We retreated to the warmth of the myrthmobile to check out the really cool container and sign the log.
With the time of day and the theme of this cache, I do believe this hunt qualifies as a late night (pirate’s) booty call! 😂🤣 Haha!! Good times.
Thank you, bartman914. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Central Cachers: Taco Twosday!
Meet and greet local cachers
Twosday, February 22th at 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm
Torchy's Tacos
5537 Weslayan St.
Houston, TX 77005
Ever wonder what those "event" caches with a little speech bubble icon are all about?
With a name like "event", it seems like it should be a bit more formal, and well maybe it should be, but that's not the way we roll here.
This event is a bunch of folks with something in common getting twogether for food, drinks, and conversation.
So, if you've been caching for years or maybe you just started, events are a great place two learn more about our obsession (er, hobby, sport, pastime, etc...).
Want two learn about geocaching? Want two know where all the cool geocaches are? Or maybe just meet the person behind those devious hides out there? Come on out and join us!
We will (likely) be the rowdy group at one big table. Look for trackables and maybe GPS units or other sundry nerd-like paraphernalia on the table.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
History of Faith
We had fun at the candy store afterwards. I was dared to eat some dried crickets which I did without hesitating. Not gonna lie: not my favorite “food.” HTD and the older two myrthlings also braved the crunch. Birthday Boy opted against it. Wise kid! LOL! Now I have insect parts stuck in my teeth.
I love the mural and didn’t know about it. Thanks for bringing me here, lil2busy. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Thursday, February 17, 2022
.jpeg's Driving Tour
I went to Bellaire today after work, targeting a cluster of caches to make some much needed progress on my climb up Mt. Everest. One cache I found was part of this puzzle. When I added that location’s tidbit to my notes, I saw that I had only one more number to collect. May as well knock it out now!
I actually didn’t have to go to the last location on my list. You see: I work for a place that provides me with insider information about bus routes. And that cache had been archived. I stopped for a burger and to check my numbers. After banging Homer’s head a few times, I finally made him dance. It seems one of the locations had changed since this cache was published, but it was an easy fix. Perhaps Sherlock Holmes would’ve congratulated me for my deduction. “Elementary, my dear myrthman!” Indeed.
Lots of fun had along the way and a satisfying, albeit cold, hunt for the final. A fave.
Thank you, .jpeg. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Squirrel's Landing
It all happened in slow motion so I saw where he went. First, find where he landed at the posted coordinates. Then, project a waypoint of 102 feet at 18.1° and you too can find his super secret hideout.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Word on the Street
When I was a kid, one of my favorite segments on Sesame Street was a vocabulary lesson called "What's the Word on the Street?" The segment began with a shot of Murray Monster saying, "Hi, I'm Murray from Sesame Street, and I'm looking for...the Word on the Street!" He then spoke with folks about what the day's word meant and usually instructed the audience to "keep listening for the word today on Sesame Street!" The word was later featured in the "street scenes" and highlighted again as the Word of the Day.
Murray recently found me on social media and shared the below, but I can't make heads or tails of it. Is it French, maybe? I don't know. Can you help?
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Thursday, January 27, 2022
FTF Spiders, Skeeters, Swamps, and Thorns
That was the end of the pleasantness. Eric1701 called them “demon-thorns” in his FTF log. I wholeheartedly agree! Ouch. ALL OVER!! I’m not scared of thorns but I think I may now have PPSD (Post-Pokey Stress Disorder). More on that later...
I searched for half an hour without luck. PAF’d Eric. Searched for another half hour after his nudge, thinking I’d even spotted it from the mowed area and then losing sight of whatever “it” was once back on the side where I thought I’d be within reach. PAF’d sydtam; either his memory is better than Eric’s or the container and/or location has changed slightly since then, for Syd led me right to it, in a spot quite different from what Eric described. I spotted it while he was still on the phone. But how the heck do I reach it?! I thanked Syd and let him get back to his life, then set about making my already long arms even longer.
A stick maybe? I found the only one in the whole park without any thorns and attempted to hook or shift the container enough so I could grab it. I succeeded only in pushing it further in. Then, lessons learned in high school geometry kicked in: try another angle, try another approach vector. Eureka! THIS BEAST IS MINE!! FINALLY.
But now the lid is stuck. I remembered reading about that in sydtam’s log and should’ve been mentally prepared but I wasn’t. WHAT?! NO, I WILL NOT GIVE UP THIS CLOSE TO VICTORY!! I whipped out A2ZB79 (feel free to discover) and soon had the blasted thing open. And it was indeed the cache. EUREKA FOR REAL!!!
I signed my name, replaced the cache, and made my way back to the myrthmobile where I learned again the meaning of pain when I applied sanitizer to my PPSD’d hands. As I bellowed, the trees shook, rousing all the birds into flight. If I hadn’t been in agony, I very well could have signed off on every single entry in the Audubon Society’s birding books. But I didn’t die.
I don’t know if gratitude is the right emotion to express for this adventure or not. Just kidding! The story alone is worth a fave point. Thanks, Eyeash. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Contrast with FTF Spiders, Skeeters, Swamps, and Thorns
Monday, January 10, 2022
A Blind Man's Bluff
Thank you, teamCull. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065
Friday, January 7, 2022
Bottle Cap Under a Skirt
I signed with my “smiling m” mark for space because like Agent J when he was first issued the Noisy Cricket, I felt like I would break this thing. I didn’t! I just have big (often clumsy) fingers. And this cache is teeny!
Thank you, Texasgal60, for the cache and for maintaining it so quickly. God bless! 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ myrthman, AKA NtN065