Cache is a sample bottle given to me by a friend who sells essential oils. It's VERY small, but well-protected.
Beware of teeming muggles, especially when they might be hungry.
Bring a pen and tweezers
Back when Pflugerville had only 4,444 people and one high school, there was a lovely rock-and-cast-iron intersection sign where Heatherwilde Boulevard meets Pecan Street. Because of the business located here, people were always stealing the S from the sign so that it read "PECAN TREET." I don't know if the city gave up or enjoyed the humor or what, but eventually the S was never replaced. The sign is now gone but the memory remains. If you like, enjoy a treet while you're here.
BYOP. Bring tweezers too - you'll thank me for the advanced notice.
Happy hunting!